HP | The 75th Anniversary
Launching Event
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of HP’s founding, SEESAW and Mr.Beam worked together to tell its brand story in a short film completely created by projection mapping techniques.
The video was filmed, for a seamless effect, in one continuous shot of a series of animations that were systematically shown by 25 projectors on different tailor-made set pieces. This was a challenging project given the requirement of skilful coordination between time, techniques and visual contents.
The video was also the opening film of HP's annual conference - HP Discover.-
惠普 | 75周年紀念
適逢惠普公司成立75周年,SEESAW跟Mr. Beam合作,以光雕投影方式製作一條短片,講述惠普的品牌故事。
影片也是惠普年度展會HP Discover的開幕電影。

Behind the Scenes
Art Direction | 視覺設計
Music & Sound | 音樂及聲效